The Duck Runner Story

What Started It All? How Duck Runner Wooden Push Toys Came To Be  -This narrative begins like the best stories do: with an ordinary moment. We can all relate to a grandfather searching for a last-minute gift for his granddaughters while out shopping. However, this particular purchase - a toy - would ultimately have life-changing implications. Thanks to this grandfather's choice, thousands of kids - many of them now parents themselves - have benefitted from his decision and his story has become timeless. This narrative begins like the best stories do: with an ordinary moment. We can all relate to a grandfather searching for a last-minute gift for his granddaughters while out shopping. However, this particular purchase - a toy - would ultimately have life-changing implications. Thanks to this grandfather's choice, thousands of kids - many of them now parents themselves - have benefitted from his decision and his story has become timeless. For Daniel, seeing a wooden duck toy was not out of the ordinary. Back in Nampa, Idaho, several craftsmen made toys in their workshops. They created trucks, building blocks, and animals out of wood. But what caught Daniel’s attention was one particular toy that seemed to come alive the minute he first laid eyes on it . Read more


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